Spring Term 2022

Updates for our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Explorers – Spring 2022

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It’s been great to finally have a ‘normal’ term with everyone getting back to scouting!

Every section has had an amazing programme, which you’ll hear all about in this newsletter.

As ever, the leaders have done an fantastic job and I want to thank them all, the group wouldn’t exist without their hard work and enthusiasm!

We had the first district competition this term, with most of our sections taking part in the Cross Country event on Oxshott Heath, special congratulations to the Explorers, who won their event – well done!

I wish you all a wonderful Easter break, and can’t wait to see everyone on the water during next term.


Group Scout Leader

Want to get involved? Here’s how!

We couldn’t run 1st Molesey without the support and time given by our parents, carers and other volunteers. We’re very lucky to have such an enthusiastic team here at 1st Molesey, but as with most things in life, ‘many hands make light work’, so new offers of help are very much welcomed.

Are you a keen gardener, painter, seamstress, or tea maker? We’ve got a role for everyone! We’re especially looking for an architect for an upcoming project!

Have a read of our volunteer page and email Liam for more info: liam.quinn@1stmoleseyscouts.org.uk


We’ve been busy at Beavers this term with a varied programme and our activities have included some firm favourites, such as toasting marshmallows on an outside fire, a night walk with our torches, constructing bridges with Lego and cooking pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. 

Our Young Leaders took us on a globe-trotting adventure to Spain, Germany, Australia and Scotland where we tried snacks from those countries, learnt their greetings, tried paper boomerangs and created colourful kilts! 

After half term we went on another visit but a little nearer to home this time when we made our way to St. Mary’s church in East Molesey where the vicar kindly took us on a tour around the church and where we got to have a go at chiming the church bells. There was lots of excitement when we surprised the Beavers with a visit from Lazer Lions and they had a fabulous time playing lazer tag for an hour! As end of term approached we enjoyed a HIIT workout and lots of Easter fun!

Our Beavers enjoyed travelling the world!

Monday Cubs

At the end of last term we were sad to see our older cubs leave to start their next chapter with the Scouts which meant promotions for sixers and seconders who are relishing their new responsibilities. We also invested six new Cubs to our pack to begin their adventures with the Cubs.

This term has been another fun packed one full of varied activities. To begin the term the Cubs came up with a code of conduct for them to act to by in the future. All sorts of new skill have been learnt, including the ability to forge money on our money skills evening which also included a fascinating history of money. During the pioneering evening they have learnt how to lash logs and erect tripods.

We were fortunate to have the Laser Lions teams provide us with an evening of laser tag which was greatly enjoyed by all involved. There has also been lots of eating done this term on our pancake night and on backwards cooking night when smores and chocolate bananas were on the menu. On the healthy lifestyles evening we learnt where all that food went, how it fuels us and how to burn it off!

In preparation for a summer term on the water an indoor kayaking session was held, which involved no water, but lots of fun getting to grips with paddles and kayaks. Cubs also took part in evenings out at Bushy Park and at Island Barn reservoir as well as the district cross country where we were well represented.

We are looking forward to a fun packed summer term which will include water activities and camps.

Indoor Kayaking!

Tuesday Scouts

Wow what a Spring term we’ve had on Tuesdays!

Starting off, we welcomed several new Scouts to the section, it’s great to have them onboard to join us on our adventures.

We jumped back into the swimming pool for our Kayak Pool fun with a new record of 20 rolls completed in a single breath!

Cooking seems to have been a running theme this term with Chinese New Year, Backwards Cooking and Shrove Tuesday. Sourcing authentic Chinese ingredients, our Scouts cooking up some amazing dishes with their own take on them. Backwards cooking included some firsts with cooking an egg on paper, popcorn on a fire and Scouts making their own sweets. Who needs a cooker?!

Shove Tuesday was packed with fun and sugar as we took part in several pancake activities including Pancake Volleyball Relay!

We’ve spent time in the great outdoors running around Oxshott and Molesey Heaths, several episodes of déjà vu may have occurred as we hiked our way around it!

The Day Hike was brilliant with more participants than ever before. A 9-mile hike around Box Hill with all our teams coming in top places. We’re looking forward to doing it all again in the dark for the Night Hike!

A Master-at-Arms evening utilising our new equipment was well enjoyed. Throwing tomahawks and shooting targets, what’s not to love!

We ended the term with a trip to Jump In Esher spending the evening bouncing around!

For the summer term, we’ve got some very exciting new activities planned for our summer on the water and it’s going to be epic. We can’t wait for you to join us. Have a great holiday and keep an eye out for any ad-hoc activities we run.

Wednesday Scouts

In January we welcomed seven new Scouts into the Wednesday troop and started the term with lots of team-building activities.

Welcoming our new Scouts

At Scouts we learn new skills, try new things, and challenge ourselves to adventure every day. This term has been no exception and we’ve had lots of fun!

We’ve celebrated Chinese New Year, Shrove Tuesday and learned about mindfulness during Children’s Mental Health Week where we tried out some reflexology!

The Scouts have also completed their Electronics Badge by learning to solder and found out how an outboard engine works.

In March we tried out the group’s new Tomahawk Throwing range, and visited Polyapes for fires, backwoods cooking and to play the Operation Energise wide game!

Operation Energise Wide Game

8 of our Scouts tried Scuba Diving for the first time in New Malden and we’ve also run a RYA Powerboat Level 1 course for our Scouts.

Wednesday Scouts Scuba Diving
Power Boat Skills Training

We’re so fortunate to be able to offer these exciting adventurous activities in-house.

Lots of our Scouts took part in the District Day Hike and we were well represented in the District Scouting Skills Competition.

We’re looking forward to the Bushcraft Camp at Easter and getting out on the water next term!

Thursday Cubs

Heading into spring the Thursday Cubs have become more and more accustomed to life as a cub: in pioneering, backwards cooking, digital skills and celebrating international festivals. 

Their sense of independence; teamwork and development of skills has been impressive.  By starting the year with a pack forum to discuss ideas for their programme we then headed into a celebration of Burns Night, The Lunar New Year and Pancake Day. And yet, our scouting skills for knots and cooking on an open fire were boosted by a chance to try rifle shooting and digital programming.

We head into the next term with new outdoor activities planned in sailing and wide games at Bushy Park.   


We have an enthusiastic Explorer Unit and each week we hope to provide them with an opportunity to have fun together whilst still learning skills. 

This term we have baked cookies with mixed results; however, the chocolate chip cookies and ginger biscuits were delicious and won the evening (thanks Chris M-H for helping). Jim kindly led our night walk through Esher West End Common, Esher Common and Fairmile Common; 5 miles of woods and conversation on a clear night – very invigorating.

It’s not the most adventurous activity but I think our Chip Crawl around four of Molesey’s finest establishments will become a firm favourite.  According to Explorers, Molesey Fish Bar was a clear winner. One of the Explorers suggested Ultimate Frisbee, so we gave it a go, running around in the dark with a light up frisbee, seemed to be enjoyed by those who took part.  We’ve had our first kayaking experience of the year, this time indoors.  Explorers had an opportunity to practice skills they already knew and also learnt some new ones, time well spent in the pool. We are closing off the term with a Real Tennis taster session at the Hampton Court Palace, which is such an amazing opportunity that we are really looking forward to.

Some of our Explorers are Young Leaders volunteering in the younger Sections for the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and a few have decided to take that further and are participating in the Surrey Scouts Young Leader Scheme.  This means they are undertaking further training and gaining practical skills and leadership experience whilst gaining their Missions.  They recently attended a very enjoyable and beneficial day of workshops at Polyapes and the day ended with an awards ceremony.  Well done Young Leaders!!

Explorers – Young Leaders Award

Quiz Night – Saturday 7th May

Get your tickets here: 1st Molesey Quiz Night

Thank you to Not Just Travel for continued sponsorship
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Whether you want to book a weekend in the UK, a cruise, Europe, or a luxury around the world trip, we can help.

Our service is free & fully ABTA protected. So, get in touch now and let’s start dreaming.

Remember, for every booking made through us from 1st Molesey members, friends and family, we will donate a minimum of £30 to the group.

Lisette and Liam Not Just Travel



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