Welcome back
It was great to get back to face to face scouting last term.
2020 was definitely an unusual year but our members got up to the same adventure, skills and fun we challenge ourselves to every day!
The joy and enthusiasm from everyone within the group was such a pleasure to see, whether it was on the water, in the hut or outside.
Thank you everyone that’s continued to support us throughout these difficult times, allowing the group to continue to grow and develop.
It won’t be long before we’ll be back enjoying activities outside.
Some highlights and achievements
It’s great to see the new skills and hobbies Scouts brings even when we can’t meet face to face. We challenged our 95 Cubs and Scouts to complete an activity badge at home for their Personal Challenge!
Louis (one of our Scouts) has volunteered preparing meals for the Molesey Churches Night Shelter, a local organisation supporting the homeless. One very well deserved Community Impact badge.
Well done Louis, what a !
Some of our Cubs were inspired to do the same and also cook for the Night Shelter! Here’s Slav cooking for the same great cause.
Well done to our Scouts that have been clearing up the local community as part of their Environmental Conservation badge.

Our Cubs recognised Captain Tom Moore by baking some of his favourite biscuits!
And one of our Scouts, George, wrote this for his writer badge:
Being part of 1st Molesey is an amazing opportunity with incredible activities through the four seasons including: Kayaking, whether up the Thames or in a pool, cooking, woodwork, many camps and much more!
During lockdown, we’ve kept scouting on Zoom with quizzes, talks, cooking and virtual visits. For example, we were recently on a tour to the local fire station, where we could ask questions and were shown the station and their fire truck.
There is a wide variety of competitions and badges to earn; I particularly enjoyed the air rifle shooting contest which I had never done before!

And finally…